Snorke ([info]snorke) rakstīja,
@ 2013-05-14 15:05:00

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skaabes pilinaasana atlikta
Ameneh Bahrami & Majid Movahedi
Woman blinded in acid attack will blind his attacker

Iran Human Rights: Acid will be dripped into the eyes of an Iranian man sentenced by a court in Tehran to qesas (retribution) on Saturday May 14th. According to reports from the Iranian media Majid Movahedi who was sentenced to retribution by blindness in both eyes after he in 2004 blinded Ameneh Bahrami, the woman who spurned his marriage proposals, will be punished at Dadgostari hospital of Tehran on Saturday. According to these reports Ameneh herself is going to drip acid into Majid’s eyes and there will be specialists present to conduct the punishment if Ameneh denies doing so

skaabes pilinaasana tika atlikta nezinamu iemeslu delj, nu ari Amnesty International proetsteeja utt

bet iedomajieteis to skatu, ka skaabes saeestaa sieviete pilina to pasu skaabi sava atraidiita pieluudzeeja aciis !!!

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