Snorke ([info]snorke) rakstīja,
@ 2005-08-11 12:11:00

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me: i understood already from your first try :)
him: you are too clever for me :)
me: lobotomy can be an option
him: i prefer not :)
me: you are too cautious :)
him: i know :)
me: safe life but boring biography :)
him: i am not so boring :) you should meet me
me: i wrote one anecdote but then decided that`s too unpolite :)

him: would you meet me?
me: in general people are here to meet, no ?
him: so? :)
me: what ?:)

him: so... you are here to meet me?
me: you start to sound scarry :) you are here to sell my inner organs in Teherans market ?
him: maybe you want to sell my precious organs in russia :)
me: i am looking for workers in cambodia rice fields
but it`s secret
him: if you look for a friend... call me :)
me: morse cod ? fog horn ?
him: with smoke signals :)

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