déjà vecu ([info]dejavu) rakstīja,
Jā, bet 80% inficēto slimība noris vieglā formā, pie kuriem hopitalizācija nav būtiska.
Man izskatās, ka hospitalizē, lai izolētu (un/vai novērotu), nevis simptomu smaguma dēļ. Līdz ar to hospitalizācijas cipari nenorāda uz slimības norises smagumu.

"In a more recent study, considered the largest on COVID-19 cases to date, researchers from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Protection, analyzed 44,672 confirmed cases in China between Dec. 31, 09 and Feb. 11, 2020. Of those cases, 80.9% (or 36,160 cases) were considered mild, 13.8% (6,168 cases) severe and 4.7% (2,087) critical. "Critical cases were those that exhibited respiratory failure, septic shock, and/or multiple organ dysfunction/failure," the researchers wrote in the paper published in China CDC Weekly."

Vecuma grupā līdz 40 mirstība ir zema (0.2%) un salīdzināma ar sezonālo gripu. Mirstība ir liela tikai vecuma grupās virs 70.

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