smilingangel ([info]smilingangel) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-24 08:48:00

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Resistance is useless.
I bought the A Series of Unfortunate Events dvd today, and the special features are well worth it, I think. I'm very hit and miss with Jim Carrey, but the production reels of them trying out the various looks for Olaf were funny. The commentary track with the director and Snicket/Handler is also not bad.I am enjoying the Hitchhikers Guide quite a lot. I also caught a bit this morning of Mos Def on Regis & Kelly discussing the film and how he got into acting and whatnot. I didn't realize how much he sort of mumbles when he talks, which is quite a contrast from the voice he uses for Ford. Not too long now. :)We're having a meeting tomorrow at work, as we do every month, only I wonder if this one will be the meeting of doom. I hope to hear something one way or the other soon, the stress over this is no good.There's a new claymation short film titled DEBIL DEAD that has Ash go up against one of the McLeods from the "Highlander" films. It's actually pretty amusing, click on clay Ash to see.

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