Rupjā sāls. Andris Saulītis ([info]slysts) rakstīja,
@ 2008-01-08 16:42:00

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You all must have read or seen on
the news, of the ongoing chaos in Kenya. It's really really sad, dark and

My Thanks to all of you who sent me messages to check whether I was ok...

Christmas and New Year have never been more depressing. There was no cheer or
celebrations. Thankfully my family and my friends are ok. But so many Kenyans are ,
dead or hurt, and so many people are hungry and displaced.

I can't begin to describe how helpless I feel seeing my beloved country getting torn
apart. It was so bad last week because we were all under some sort of 'house arrest'
for a whole week.

Today I have come to the city center after a very long time, and it's amazing how
happy I am to be in Nairobi with all its traffic jams, noise and too many people.
This means that Normalcy is slowly returning to Kenya. All the things that I found
annoying are pleasing today because they symbolize freedom. Freedom is priceless and
it's what I so yearn for again!

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