sirualsirual ([info]sirualsirual) rakstīja,
@ 2015-05-16 01:51:00

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#gudri par žurnālistiku
ASV ir pilnīgi slimas. Bet šādu žurnālistiku es vienkārši dievinu. (Raksta tēma ir nāvessodu aizkulises.)
1) Pie faktu izkārtojuma ir strādājuši desmit redaktori, un vēl izlaists cauri algoritmam:

The executioners had been driven to the prison earlier in the day, and had put on hoods as they approached. They would remain out of sight until after Lockett was dead.

Nākamā rindkopa ir, protams, nevis viņa mocību apraksts, bet:
There had never been a question of Lockett’s guilt. Fifteen years earlier, on June 3, 1999, he had stood in a ravine and aimed a 12-gauge shotgun at Stephanie Neiman, a 19-year-old who had graduated from high school two weeks earlier.

2) Šo izlasot, nākas secināt, ka rakstītais vārds vēl joprojām spēj izraisīt patiesas šausmas, lai gan citreiz nāvinieka vārdi iederētos kādā Britnijas Spīrsas dziesmā:
Witnesses said Warner didn’t appear to be in any pain, but after the midazolam was administered, he said, “My body is on fire.” He died in 18 minutes. 

3) Tā kā nāvessodam civilizētajā pasaulē pretojas, un zāļu ražotāji pārsvarā nepārdod vielas, kas paredzētas cilvēku nonāvēšanai, ļoti interesantas ir metodes, kā ASV štati tiek pie savām drogām:

Fretland tried to find out where the state would get the execution drugs, but she quickly ran into a roadblock: Oklahoma had passed a law less than a year earlier that made nearly every aspect of executions a state secret, including where officials obtained the drugs. [..] She had a source who worked at the prison, and she asked him how the state’s Department of Corrections would pay for the drugs. He said it would use petty cash. [..] She found petty-cash purchases of pentobarbital totaling more than $50,000.

Liela brēka, maza vilna - ja var izrīkoties šādi, kāda vispār jēga uzturēt civilizācijas masku? Ešafots ir daudz uzticamāks, daudzkārt lietojams, izdevīgs.

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