sirualsirual ([info]sirualsirual) rakstīja,
@ 2017-11-14 00:29:00

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For Barthes, enamoration is a “hypnosis” that sets the subject on a path from which they cannot deviate. We suffer enamoration as an electrifying blow, inflicting in us a “wound” that cannot heal until the object of desire is “captured.” In other words, the object of desire dooms us to pursue it, even when doing so might be irrational and costly. When we are enamored, we “need” the object in order to be complete, though of course it is this mirage of fulfillment that constitutes enamoration’s illusion. [..]

We should take his remarks as referring not only—or perhaps not even primarily—to the lover but to “the loved object,” which is to say everything that works to consume our attention: our iPhones, our designer shoes, our sushi. Barthes refers to both the lover and the commodity, as well as the connections between them. The language of “hypnosis” and of being “fascinated by the image” puts commodification at the heart of falling in love.

superīga analīze. pēdējoreiz iemīlējos cibā (sic), vēl senāk tviterī, tad draugos.

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