aizdedzies! ([info]sin) rakstīja,
@ 2003-10-29 10:32:00

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..I wish...I wish...I wish...

I wish I was a hunter

I wish I was a hunter
in search of different food
I wish I was the animal
which fits into that mood
I wish I was a person
with unlimited breath
I wish I was a heartbeat
that never comes to rest

I wish I was a hunter
in search of different food
I wish I was the animal
which fits into that mood

I wish I was a stranger
who understands the sky
I wish I was a starship
when Saturn's flying by
I wish I was a princess
with armies at her hand
I wish I was a ruler
who'd make them understand

Never-- I wish...
Never say Never
I wish...
I wish...

I wish I was a writer
who sees what is yet unseen
I wish I was a prayer
expressing what I mean
I wish I was a forest
of trees that do not hide
I wish I was a clearing
No secrets left inside

I wish I was a writer
who sees what is yet unseen
I wish I was a prayer
expressing what I mean
I wish I was a forest
of trees that do not hide
I wish I was a clearing
No secrets left inside--yeah

I wish I was a hunter
in search of different food
I wish I was the animal
which fits into that mood
I wish I was a person
with unlimited breath
I wish I was a heartbeat
that never comes to rest

I wish I was a hunter
in search of different food
I wish I was the animal
that fits into that mood

I wish I was a forest
of trees that do not hide
I wish I was a clearing
no secrets left inside
I wish I was a stranger
who understands the sky
I wish I was a starship
when Saturn's flying by

I wish...I wish...I wish...
I wish I was a hunter.

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2003-10-29 12:42 (saite)
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(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2003-10-29 14:02 (saite)
sorr.... tagad worko...

ar freewebhostiem šitādi joki notiek... ;)

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