Silence Becomes You (2005)

interesanti, ka filma uzņemta Lietuvā, Viļņā..
to es tikai beigu titros izlasīju, jo skatoties, tikai vienā vietā, var pamanīt kautko mūsu platuma grādiem raksturīgu..
ka ziņo IMDB:
Trivia for: Silence Becomes You (2005)
* According to the producers this is the first digital cinematography (i.e., not HDTV) feature film project. The whole chain from camera to finished master is digital.
* Filmed entirely with a high-definition (1920x1080) video camera with a true 16x9 aspect ratio. The film's dailies were projected each night onto a custom-designed ten foot screen with a special HD projector, developed especially for this job. The publicity material called this movie, "The world's first 100% digital cinematography feature film."
David Schweitzer - Violet Leaves