aizdedzies! ([info]sin) rakstīja,
@ 2004-06-16 11:18:00

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murrrrrR ;)

..teach me tiger how to kiss you..

April Stevens - Teach Me Tiger

Hi Tiger!

Teach me tiger i would kiss you.. wa wa wa wah
Show me tiger i´ll would kiss you.. wa wa wa wah
Take my lips, they belong to you..
But teach me first, teach me what to do..

Touch me tiger when i´m close to you wa wa wa wa wa
Help me tiger i dont know what to do wa wa wa wah
I know that you could love me to
But show me first, show me what to do
This is the first love, that i have ever known
What must i do to make you my wery own.. ?

Teach me tiger and i will teeease you wa wa wa wah
Tiger tiger i wanna squeeze you wa wa wa wah
All of my love I will give to you
But teach me TIGER.. or i´ll teach you

ooh.. tiger .. tiigeeR.. tigrrrR..

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2004-06-16 11:43 (saite)

wa wa wa wah ... ;) .. i'm lovin'it... ;D

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