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malice in wonderland -
16 April 2015 @ 10:36 am
Yes! Also, "epiphanot". Mūžam relevants, un vieglāk izrunājams, nekā "dumbpiphany".
So much yes.
Also, "unkeyboardinated" — beidzot šai kondīcijai ir nosaukums.
Also, "unkeyboardinated" — beidzot šai kondīcijai ir nosaukums.
Also, "unlightening", for those "I think I just lost a few hundred neurons" moments.
"Eglaf" gan konceptuāli nav nekas jauns, greybeards have been using metasyntactic variables (fancy names!) at least since the dawn of time (where by time, I mean of course the UNIX epoch).
"Eglaf" gan konceptuāli nav nekas jauns, greybeards have been using metasyntactic variables (fancy names!) at least since the dawn of time (where by time, I mean of course the UNIX epoch).
Wow, otrajai daļai man gūgli vajadzēja aš veselas trīs reizes, and for that I thank you. Learning new things ftw. :D
What was the third time for, if I may?
Welcome, of course. ^^
Welcome, of course. ^^
First of all, for UNIX, tad lai pārliecinātos, ka metasyntactic patiešām ir tas, ko domāju, un, visbeidzot, nekad iepriekš "eglaf" nebija satikts.
Hm, "Eglaf" ir no tā paša saraksta.
And right you are; tiku līdz "nomonym" un akūtas sajūsmas uzplūdā i nemaz nepaskatījos, ka tur vēl ir.
Also, sorry for the comment spam; kaut kas man te nogļukoja.