28 February 2014 @ 07:49 pm
Izlēmu vadīties pēc principa "go big or go home" (un, tā kā jau biju mājās, atlika tikai pirmais variants), un izcepu septiņas plātis zemesriekstu sviesta cepumu. Pati pagaršojusi vēl neesmu, bet vīra kungs saka, ka esot awesome, so eksperimentu pasludinu par izdevušos un līdz ar to jūtos godam nopelnījusi dīvānā slinki izgāzušos vakaru hokeja pavadībā. Jesss.
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[info]mindbound on February 28th, 2014 - 09:52 pm
Come on now, you didn't have to emphasise it.

On that note, nākamais vīkends izklausās labi. For the last month or so I may have had a bit too little company of the sort of brains that come with people attached, anyway.
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falter ego: save the wolf[info]shiry on March 1st, 2014 - 12:12 am
No, no, I believe the correct phrase is I totally did have to emphasise it.

Mkei, smadzeni ar kādiem nebūt pielikumiem varu pretty much garantēt, un tad tuvākas detaļas ap kādu ceturtdienu, pieņemu. Keep me posted, ja nu tev plāni mainās or smth.
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[info]mindbound on March 1st, 2014 - 09:15 am
Roger that.
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