Scorpse ([info]scorpse) rakstīja,
@ 2008-02-09 22:05:00

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When I was a little child, I used to ask my parents different questions about my surroundings. I asked about people we knew, things they said, places we saw, everything that I had around me. Sometimes I was interested in nature so I kept on asking about the sun and the rain, and how does nature influence our lifes. Then there was a point when I understood that almost everything what people need in their lifes comes from nature. I knew then that people get vegetables every autumn and they are going to get them in the next autumn too. Then I started to think of wood and forests because I saw that sometimes people use wood to cook and to make their homes warm. My childish logic led me to an astonishing discovery - trees were not growing fast enough, they were burning much, much faster as they were growing. This meant that there will be a day when there will be no more trees to be used as firewood. This was the first time in my life when I started to think of next generations and what are they going to do with the Earth which is being influenced right now and by me. I must admit that the first thought I got was that I'm glad I'm not going to be alive anymore when the resources run out.

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