Mazais meža dīvainītis ar sviesta burku rociņā ([info]savaadaisu) rakstīja,
@ 2004-08-25 10:19:00

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Mūzika:Natalie Imbruglia - Goodby

Riktīgi paņēma šī dziesma!

Everyday's the same
I feel them merge
I try to separate
Resist the urge
But they tell me
I'll be fine
That it will all get better
Just try to write it down
Or put it in a letter
But the words won't play
And there's no
Easy way to say
Goodbye, goodbye

Keep my head on straight
And don't look down
With all I've pushed away
I'm losing ground
But they tell me
I'll be fine
That it will all get better
Just try to write it down
Or put it in a letter

But the words won't play
And there's no
Easy way to say
Goodbye, goodbye

And from the sidelines
Watch me fall down

And I don't understand
The things I do
But I'll probably be fine
As long as I keep moving
I'll try to write it down
So things just keep improving

Still the words won't play
'Cause there's no
Easy way to say
Goodbye, goodbye

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