Mazais meža dīvainītis ar sviesta burku rociņā ([info]savaadaisu) rakstīja,
@ 2004-06-30 12:52:00

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Mūzika:Gus Gus - Teenage Sensation

I feel my heart slamming
Against my ribs
The smell of your body
And the touch of your lips
You are beyond all imagination
You are beyond all imagination
Gee, I love you so much I can look and I
Can touch
I can touch
My teenage sensation
Your skin must be from another world
My limbs are numbed with your
For the first time
A revelation
Beyond all imagination
Gee, I love you so much
I can look and I can touch
I can touch
My teenage sensation
And I think maybe it's wrong
How young is too young
How young is too young
My teenage sensation ?

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