Mazais meža dīvainītis ar sviesta burku rociņā ([info]savaadaisu) rakstīja,
@ 2004-05-28 10:08:00

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Mūzika:Sarah Brightman - Free

Free And do you still touch her like you do
Kissed all over in the way I kissed with you
Or when you sleep with her do you sometimes think of me
Not if you love her the way that I see
I Had to be free
Had to be free
It's all that I wanted

I wanted to see
Wanted to be
Alone if I needed

I Had to be free
Had to be free
From feelings that haunted

I wanted to see
Wanted to be

And then in the evening light when the birds are free to fall
I watch the two of you in the shadows on the wall
How in the darkness stills some of the choices from my hand
Will I began to understand

I Had to be free
Had to be free
It's all that I wanted

I Wanted to see
Wanted to be
Alone if I needed

I Had to be free
Had to be free
From feelings that haunted

I wanted to see
Wanted to be

I Had to be free
Had to be free
It's all that I wanted

I Wanted to see
Wanted to be
Alone if I needed

I Had to be free
Had to be free
From feelings that haunted

I wanted to see
Wanted to be

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