Regīna ([info]saulainaelpa) rakstīja,
@ 2010-01-20 19:57:00

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Garastāvoklis:pašpietiekamība un miers

I will never love you more than the drummer of flaming lips
I will never love you more than Woody Allen movies
I will never love you more than the White album of the Beatles
I will never love you more than God only knows

I will never love you more than DVD's night with my girlfriend
And we talk about stupid things like feelings and men
I will never love you more than my boyfriend when I was 14
Even if he's now an asshole, I will never love you more

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2010-01-20 23:59 (saite)
Vai! cik šitas ir jauki un patiesi. Kur ņēmi?

Ja tā padomā, tad ir bijušas reizes, kad no ļoti sakoncentrētas domāšanas par The Stooges krutumu man izlien pa asarai. Tas laikam skaitās līdzīgs līmenis.. retajam sasniedzamais..

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