rolexx ([info]rolexx) rakstīja,
@ 2007-07-21 01:10:00

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a simple formula
Tas ir tāds viens liels eksperiments... pasaki kaut ko un tad skaties, kas notiks... ja vēl aizvien notikumi neguļas Tev vēlamajā gultnē, atļaujies vairāk...
Bet atceries - Tev jāsasniedz, ko vēlies...

Apsveicu! Tagad Tu zini, kā dzīvot..

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2007-07-21 01:41 (saite)
Just be sure to experiment in the right direction.
A nail won't come out of the board, no matter how hard u'll try to hit it with a hammer :D

Cause the formula is simple only after a plethora of assumptions and aproximations. Before them, formula is quite sophisticated. I mean, really sophisticated :D

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