to es izlasīju vienā no šeit pirmajiem un jaunākajiem rakstiem, bet tagad nevaru atrast tiešo citātu kafija ir veselīga visiem, izņemot grūtnieces un izņemot tos retos, kuriem ir ģenētiska sliktība no kafijas. katra nākamā tase par x procentiem samazina sirds slimību, vairāku vēžu un kādus tik vēl ne riskus. pēc ceturtās tases riska samazinājums beidzas, bet risks nepalielinās; tas tikai ar sesto tasi ir tāds pats kā ar ceturto.
All cause mortality
In the most recent meta-analysis, by Grosso and colleagues, the highest exposure category (seven cups a day) of a non-linear dose-response analysis was associated with a 10% lower risk of all cause mortality (relative risk 0.90, 95% confidence interval 0.85 to 0.96),28 but summary estimates indicated that the largest reduction in relative risk was associated with the consumption of three cups a day (0.83, 0.83 to 0.88) compared with no consumption. Stratification by sex produced similar results. In a separate article, and despite a significant test for non-linearity (P<0.001), authors performed a linear dose-response analysis and found consumption of one extra cup a day was associated with a 4% lower risk of all cause mortality (0.96, 0.94 to 0.97).27 The apparently beneficial association between coffee and all cause mortality was consistent across all earlier meta-analyses. High versus low intake of decaffeinated coffee was also associated with lower all cause mortality, with summary estimates indicating largest benefit at three cups a day (0.83, 0.85 to 0.89)28 in a non-linear dose-response analysis.
bet nerāte, nedzer bezkofeīna kafiju, tā palielina reimatoīdā artrīta risku.
(un pie kafijas dzeršanas grūtniecēm, tur pirmajā vietā bija akūta leikēmija bērnībā, un grūtniecības zaudēšana un zems jaundzimušā svars tikai krietni pēc tam.)
vai man uztaisīt apskatu par kafiju?
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