kihelkonna ([info]kihelkonna) rakstīja,
es reiz meklēju kaut ko citu un nejauši atradu, ka grūsnais kofeīns korelēja ar vēlāku diabēta risku. ātrumā neatradu to pašu, atradu citu
Maternal caffeine intake during pregnancy and risk of obesity in offspring: a prospective cohort study

After controlling for potential confounders, compared with those without caffeine exposure, in-utero exposure to caffeine overall is associated with 87% increased risk of childhood obesity: odds ratio (OR) =1.87, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.12–3.12. This association demonstrated a dose–response relationship: OR=1.77 (1.05–3.00) for maternal daily caffeine intake <150 mg per day, OR=2.37 (1.24–4.52) for caffeine intake ⩾150 mg per day during pregnancy, respectively. We also observed a linear relationship: every one unit increase (log10 scale) in the amount of maternal caffeine intake was associated with 23% increased risk of obesity in offspring.

protams, ir vēl daudz rakstu

un šis ir pārskata raksts par 60 pētījumiem, 2014. gads
-analyses included 60 unique publications from 53 cohort and case-control studies. An increment of 100 g caffeine was associated with a 14 % (95 % CI 10-19 %) increase in risk of spontaneous abortion, 19 % (5-35 %) stillbirth, 2 % (-2 to 6 %) preterm delivery, 7 % (1-12 %) low birth weight, and 10 % (95 % CI 6-14 %) SGA.

bet visādi atvainojos, man nu jāskrien prom
un tavs gadījums ir gluži cits - bērns jau ir piedzimis un dzīvs

(es, kā zināms, esmu viegli nokārusies uz to, ka no pētījuma līdz izglītībai paiet vismaz 17 gadi)

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