My troponin levels were 25000 yesterday and are still 25000 today. From what i know this indicates pretty serious damage to my myocardium.
What questions should I ask the cardiologist when i see him tomorrow? I spoke with him today and he mentioned potential scarring of the heart but didn’t go into detail. Do I have permanent damage from this? I can feel a gurgling sensation in my chest and I feel like I’m too young to be experiencing something like this. Can i still lead a healthy active lifestyle? Do I have any leg to stand on if I want compensation for this?
I'm sorry this happened to you.
In regards to the important questions for you, which are how this is going to affect your life, unfortunately you'll have to wait for the dust to settle to know for sure.
Pareizāk būtu bijis pagaidīt, kamēr nosēžas plandēmijas putekļi, pirms izvēlēties vakcīnai "notikt" ar sevi (bļe nu tā notika, nu ko tu gribi no manis), jo citādi nevar skaidri zināt atbildes uz svarīgiem jautājumiem, kas ietekmēs tavu dzīvi, kā piemēram: vai "pandēmija" bija pandēmija? vai "vakcīna" ir vakcīna? vai tā ir efektīva? vai tā ir vajadzīga? vai tā ir droša? vai lokālais dakteris pārspēs globālos gēnu terapevtus? vai pietiks naudiņas visiem testiņiem un zālītēm pēc bezmaksiņas šļirčukiņa?
Padoms labs, aiz auss ja liksi: wait for the dust to settle to know for sure.
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