Moderna SEC filing -"Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA."
Terapija ir metožu kopums slimību ārstēšanai. Iedarbīgas terapijas priekšnoteikums ir pareiza diagnoze.
Mana diagnoze ir kovid negatīvs. Man šo terapiju nevajag.
"Our pursuit of mRNA-1273, a potential vaccine for SARS-CoV-2, continues to be subject to completion of the required clinical trials and regulatory approval in the United States and elsewhere. We may be unable to produce a vaccine that successfully treats the virus in a timely manner, if at all."
They can say they’re developing new vaccines while actually developing a new pistol, and they’re just waiting for the FDA to correctly classify it as a vaccine. That’s fine.
The point is, its a gene therapy, which they’re looking to include under the definition of “vaccine,” if it works.
They say it in the paper that it might not even work as a vaccine.
Jāprasa testa subjektiem... Nu kā? Strādā? Moderna un es gribam zināt.
Tā pleca dzira satur palīgvielas, kuru mērķis maksimāli izplatīt gēnu terapiju pa visu organismu. Ups, aizmirsa izņemt pārsaucot par vakcīnu, kurai jāstrādā lokāli deltoīda muskulī, tālāk no vēnām un artērijām.
"man nav ķermenim spēka šitajā visā iedziļināties un vispār kaut kāds dullums galvā šodien"
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