resort ([info]resort) rakstīja,
@ 2023-07-10 23:19:00

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> pretended they knew a guy who can get them an early appointment. That was another clever ploy. They gave you the impression that you had to fight and be dynamic to get a dose. I noticed this a lot with the women in the office. It absolutely tickles women when they feel like they are dominating some bureaucratic process and getting in on something.

Tas bija prikoļna. :D Ķipa, a jūs jau tiekat pie būstera? A man jālido nākamnedēļ, bet vēl nedrīkst, a moš par blatu kaut kur tikšu iepisti, ahahahaha. Jebal, rēcīgi. Ķipa, sēž gov saitā un refrešo kad rindā tiks. Ej tu dirst, lmao.

Oj bļe! Tiku viena no pirmajām iepisti jauno dozu! Zajebis, pēc bleķa viss nosmaržoja un mute visa arī metālā, a tā citādi viss normakā - trīs apointmenti uz analīzēm un tikai acs ar salveti jāslauka.

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