11. No, I'm not playing your stupid fucking game you communist shitfuck.
12. I will not affirm you and contribute to your mental degradation
13. Please do not pass me a Bud Light
14. You and nobody else alive but my parents (remember those?) have no right to instruct me on how to talk. Faggot.
15. You even look at my kids sideways, and you get a date with the wood chipper.
16. I am not mentally ill and I will not participate in your delusions. To the contrary, I reflect reality back to you and wish you would get help.
17. You assume I give a fuck
18. Take your two spirits and shove them up your ass.
19. Boost harder and then boost again
20. You'll never be a woman.
#humors #komēdija #melni #tava-liste-ir-akceptējama
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