resort ([info]resort) rakstīja,
@ 2023-04-30 13:47:00

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The medical system in the US has always been really conservative, so much so that "Right-to-Try" bills have to be passed, or athletes have to go to other countries to get cutting edge therapies because the US' medical system has always just been so conservative and slow to change.

COVID.. just changed all that. When it comes to COVID or CHILD SEX CHANGES... we're the most adventurous, risk-seeking, progressive medical system imaginable... if those risks increase pharma profits.

Yeah not even like two months ago I saw a CVS ad that was advertising covid shots and in the ad she was like “alongside your booster flu shot as well?” to a customer in the ad.

Amazing how much they get away with

#viena-justīcija-visiem #rietumu-hujāts #būstmī-daddy #safe-and-profitable

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