It's weird all my life I've always seen doctors, surgeons etc in movies and real life put masks on, and immediately throw them in the trash as soon as they were done doing whatever it was they were doing.
I have been asking that question the entire time... primarily... where in society where we even APPROXIMATING such behavior with masks?
People were just wearing the same disposable one for weeks, balling it up, sitting it on public spaces... yuck.
It was the most unsanitary thing we've done as a society in my lifetime.
Vot, vot. Reāli, kur ir tā cauri gadsimtiem izdzīvojusī iezemiešu cilts, kuri aizklāj elpceļus? Šūrlī, reiz kādam tuksnešu šamanim vajadzēja iedomāties, ka bļe pandehmija muhsu ciltih, davaj visi nekleposim viens otram virsū, davaj labāk liksim sievietēm elpot cauri audumam™️.
Rēcīgi bija, es karoče sēžu medicīniskā uzgaidāmajā, a tur uzraksts "jebal bļe maskas drihkst lietot tikai 4h max, ujobaki netīrie jūs bļe". A man maska kaut kur no dirsas izrauta, huj bļe zin cik veca, es bļe neuzrakstīju gadu un mēnesi virsū, kad sāku lietot. Bļe vot rēcu un nevaru. Elpceļu hiēna, jobtvaj, ahahahaha.
#dirty #seksi-peksi #pis-mani-plīz #soyence
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