Vakara pasaciņa:
So, when I was in biochem, the professor had us read studies on mrna vaccine research for assignments. He was a true believer and was convinced that it was the future of medicine. And so, I noticed a pattern. Every time one of these studies was done, the vaccine would be effective, then it would be less effective. Then, after a few months, some of the lab animals would start having health problems, mostly revolving around autoimmune diseases, cancers, or a weakened immune system. Then, after an amount of time that was variable based on what sort of animal they were testing on, but was equivalent to what about 5 years would be to a human, in terms of lifespan, they all died of either mitochondrial disease or total immune failure, depending on what kind of mrna injection it was.
Edit to add: the nanoparticle studies, on the other hand, killed all their testing animals via stroke or heart attack. And caused massive fertility issues.
So we got the best of both worlds with the covid shots. Yaaaaay.
#anekdote #ahahahaha #ļoti-smieklīgi #get-boosted
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