US women weight lifting team will be all male
I don't even care. Woman athletes can stop this if they wanted too, they don't, so fuck em
The biggest enemies of women are other women
Democrats and Progressives have decided, the Best Women in the World are MEN. Let that sink in. They HATE women. Period. Where is the "equity"? Bwhahahhaaaa...
if the REAL women participate ...i will have ZERO sympathy
The feminists really didn't think this crap through when they started this ball rolling many decades ago......
Emotionalists literally don't have the ability to 'think things through'. They're their own worst enemy.
That's why the globalists/Marxists just love women. They are incredibly easy to manipulate emotionally, and they know it.
i kept telling women to start fighting this years we are now. Fuckem. They dont want to fight why should i.
ček dis aut, uzbrukums no divām frontēm, mēs baigie sliktie, saņem sevi rokās, vuma
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