resort ([info]resort) rakstīja,
@ 2021-11-13 21:32:00

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I've never experienced such hate in my life

I don't know what to do, I hate my life so much right now

I'm getting attacked from both sides so hard

you can't say anything now, with the way things are

my life has completely changed

I got vaccinated, tried to do my part

it doesn't feel rare when it happens to you

if I would've got covid and if I would've had all these same symptoms and dealt with this whole thing through covid, I wouldn't be hated so much

the toxicity of the people has become worse than the disease that we're fighting

to be injured by this thing that's so toxic in society, where you can't even talk and you can't get support, you can't tell people

I had a hard time finding a therapist because when you say "vaccine injury" they're like "oh, you're crazy"

who has the liability here? when someone's making money off of this whole thing, there needs to be liability, period, cause my life has been affected drastically

out of the react-19 group 6 people committed suicide in the past month or so, like, this is a real thing

there's no one to talk to, there's no one to go to and then - everything's censored

šo paredzēju kopš paša sākuma, nevienam tava sāpe nepisīs. tuvinieciņus un lasītājiņus arī brīdināju, ka jūs būsiet ārpus laivas un bļe specifisku peldriņķi tieši priekš jums neviens nemēģinās izgudrot steidzmības kārtā. ja tevi sapiš vakcīna, tu esi on your own. tas ir skaidri saprotams un arī no augšas pateikts

nē no manis, suns

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