resort ([info]resort) rakstīja,
@ 2023-12-24 11:16:00

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> Three studies which compared millions of Covid-19 vaccinated people with unvaccinated people have concluded that the unvaccinated are less likely to suffer from many diseases including inflammatory musculoskeletal disorders, gynaecological disorders, and blood disorders.

Three separate South Korean universities combed millions of records from the country’s National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) database, a compulsory health insurance scheme covering the whole population (52million) which is used to produce various health statistics. The results are startling and shocking. They tally with what many of the vaccine injured are reporting. Despite mounting evidence, authorities are still in denial and intent on gaslighting them.

#ai-izbeidz-šito #pētnieki-ir-lohi #muskoskeletāls-hujakš #52miljoni-ir-anekdote

p.s. Jā bet vakcīnu piš tikai slimiķi. #true-story

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