redz, neredz ([info]redz) rakstīja,
@ 2007-03-02 19:25:00

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Ak, jā, sāku skatīties Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Šeit būs theme lyrics.
my name iz...
the mic rulah
the old schoolah
you wanna trip,
I'll bring it to ya

Frylock and I'm on top
rock you like a cop
Meatwad you're up next
with your knock-knock

Meatwad make the money see
Meatwad get the honeys G
Drivin in my car,
livin' like a star
Ice on my fingers and my toes
and I'm a Taurus

ha ha, check it, uh, check-check it, yeah

'cuz we are tha Aqua Teenz
make the homeys say ho
'n the girlies wanna scream

'cuz we are tha Aqua Teenz
make the homeys say ho
'n the girlies wanna scream

Aqua Teen Hunger Force
numba one in tha hood, G

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