qgmr101 ([info]qgmr101) rakstīja,
@ 2012-10-01 14:16:00

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Entry tags:kaut kā darīšana, motivācija, pakaļa

par motivāciju

— Kā motivēt sevi kaut kā darīšanai?
— Nekā, turpini būt pakaļā.

P.S. George Carlin Motivation - YouTube / Джордж Карлин о мотивации - YouTube

Something else I don't understand — motivation tapes, motivation books. What happend to you? Someday everybody needs to be motivated? It's a fairly simple thing — either you want to do something or you don't. What's the big mystery? Besides, if you were motivated enough to go to the store to buy a motivation book, aren't You motivated enough to do that? So You don't need the book, put it back, tell the clerk: "F.... you, I'm motivated, I'm going home!".

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