Piena cilvēks
Dziesmiņa par piektdienu no iepriekšējā puksta ir lieliska, protams. Taču nav jau tā, ka 100%-īgi atbilst manai gaumei.
Lūk, zemāk saite uz dziesmiņu, kura par 150% atbilst manai gaumei, man ļoti patīk. Uzskatu, ka ļoti labs gan klips, gan pati dziesma (bez ironijas). Nevis kā parodija (oriģinālu neesmu redzējis un netaisos), bet gan kā patstāvīgs skaņdarbs.
Tātad —
YouTube - milkman (lil wayne 'drop the world' parody).
P.S. Man ļoti patīk smieties tāpat kā galvenajam varonim, kad viņš sev pienu virsū lej ^___^
* * *
I got milk in my veins
Pure white in my eyes
I creamed on my face
With udders in my mind
Bow down to the ground
Cuz I'm the milk man
I milk milk like noone else's dairy can
Cows all night.
And then every morning
I milk those teats
'Til the floppy tube runs dry
I'm the white angel
Of a juicy semi-skimmed world
I'll get that white s***
In ya bowl
'Til I'm old.
I'm a milk man
With big responsibility
That's why gimps help
With the delivery.
White pint (creamy creamy)
Not so curdle worthy
Sit tight bitch
We're comin right to you home
Red top, Blue top
These are all the colour code
Of the crew ridin low
On my milk float.
Milky white dreams
Are what define me
I'm a carton on the page
When the French draw me
Red top, Blue top
These are all the colour code
Of the crew ridin low
On my milk float.
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