Fri, Mar. 18th, 2011, 10:48 am

You were born during a New moon

The moon is dark in this phase, because the half that's illuminated by the sun is facing away from Earth.

- what it says about you -

You want to leave an impression on people and make your mark on the world. When you love an idea, you'll work hard for it, sometimes even dropping whatever it is you're doing to go on to the next new great thing that's captured your imagination. The more freedom you have to chose what you're doing, the busier you'll be.

What phase was the moon at on your birthday? Find out at

Nu, vismaz norādītā mēness fāze +/- sakrīt ar NASA sastādīto megakalendāru. (Man gan neizdevās tā uz ātru roku atrast Latvijai lokalizētu "vēsturisko" mēness fāžu kalendāru Atradu arī iespēju Latvijas datiem piemeklēt vēsturiskos datus par Saules un Mēness stāvokli, bet, starp citu, drīz būs klāt [info]murks ar piezīmi, ka drīz būs klāt pilnmēness.)

Fri, Mar. 18th, 2011, 11:25 am

You were born during a Waning Gibbous moon

This phase occurs right after a full moon.

- what it says about you -

You love to let people in on the story of how things come together. You know the background of ideas and have a deep understanding of things others just touch the surface of. You can surprise people with your wide variety of knowledge, and they'll remember and appreciate you for it.

What phase was the moon at on your birthday? Find out at