Mon, Jun. 20th, 2005, 07:53 pm
dzīves hakošana

Viena no weblapām, kura ir manā dienišķajā apgaitā, ir Lūk, šodienas ieraksts.

"Time magazine says Lifehacker’s cool

The upcoming issue of Time magazine names Lifehacker one of 10 cool web sites in its “annual survey of the Web’s most useful and interesting” destinations. As a result, my ego has surpassed the size of Texas, and I’m in flannel pajamas dancing to Prince turned up loud alone in my living room. When my downstairs neighbor complains about the noise, I’ll blame the magazine, cuz this morning I’m gonna party like it’s 1999. Thanks, Time! You’re not so bad yourself.
10 Cool Websites [Time]"

Reizēm gan kaitina tā regulārā atkārtošanās, tipa, iepriekšējo ierakstu apkopojumi, bet ir interesanti. (Ak jā, nenovēršami tur parādās arī pašsaprotama info, bet, imho, tas ir normāli.)

Daži interesanti senāki ieraksti, kurus esmu iebukmārkojis:

Mon, Jun. 20th, 2005, 09:16 pm

Vai Tu esi self-employed?

Mon, Jun. 20th, 2005, 09:25 pm

pa pusei