psiholohs ([info]psiholohs) rakstīja,
@ 2022-01-28 03:54:00

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Brittany McConnell no Wolvserpent (bungas, vijole, joga, mūza)
2. brittany-mcconnell-yoga-double-mirrors-andré-foisy-francesca-marongiu-the-new-noise-1

You recently went on a European tour with Locrian and you made some solo shows and a special Yoga lesson: a Black Metal Yoga Candle Night in Berlin. How did it go?

The yoga session was really fun. I did it at a place at Tatwerk and they were really supportive of the idea. It was amazing. I hope to go back to Berlin soon to do more yoga workshops.
Also, I feel like teaching a yoga workshop gave me a chance to really connect with the people who were there in a totally sober and intimate environment. I gave the class a drone bath at the end and that’s really the perfect way to experience the stuff that I play.

This drone bath thing has become quite famous in the last weeks. Can you tell us more? How do people respond to that?

 At the end of yoga classes, students lay on their backs and rest and breath deeply using Ujjayi breath. This pose is called “corpse pose”.

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