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Statism and Anxiety
The mythology around “the state” in many ways exceeds – particularly in the modern world – the mythology that surrounds superstitious religiosity.
The question: how can human society be organized? is not answered by the state, any more than the question where did the world come from? is answered by religion.
If a man says, “My wife loves me,” and then locks her in the basement and threatens to shoot her if she tries to escape, do we believe him?
A “theory” cannot be considered “proven” if all it does is shoot anyone who disagrees with it.
In fact, any theory which requires violent defense is by any rational standard of proof utterly wrong or false to begin with.
Thus the thesis that “a state is required to organize society,” is demonstrably false, because it is not in fact a thesis at all, but rather a violently aggressive dogma.
Shooting those who disagree with you does not make you right, but rather proves that your position is wrong, corrupt and evil.
The State and Society
Since the state uses compulsion to “organize” society, it repudiates the very concept of “society,” just as rape repudiates the very concept of “love making,” and robbery repudiates the concept of “property.”
Using “the state” to answer the question of how society should be organized is morally identical to using kidnapping and imprisonment to answer the question of how to get someone to “love” you.
It is the mere illusion of an answer, rather than a real answer – and like all illusory answers, not only is it brutal in the extreme, but it also actively prevents the pursuit of true answers.
@ Stefan Molyneux, "Real-Time Relationships: The Logic of Love",
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