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@ 2014-08-12 12:38:00

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Garastāvoklis:ļaunuma pretinde

Ieteicamā literatūra


TamaRe House introduces Veronica: of the Chapman family (as commonly called), herein after referred to as Veronica: Chapman. The reason for this non-conventional way of expressing ones’ name will become clear after reading just a few pages of the book: FREEDOM… Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word. The message is exactly what it says; it’s all about freedom. Veronica: Chapman thinks it will surprise you how much you actually do not know about that subject. And how very little, in essence, you really need to know in order to attain it. We hope that, by the time you have read it all the way through, your path into the future will be obvious to you. You should discover that, even at the age of 7 years old, you had more power than any Government, Judiciary, Police Force and Military combined. But you did not realise it. And therefore, throughout your life, you have thrown it away. But take heart, it is still there. And you can learn how to use it. What is worth more than all the gold in the world is your appreciation that, having read this book, you have become empowered in the way you always should have been- had you been educated, rather than indoctrinated – during your childhood. The author is compelled to stretch certain points within the book in order to attempt to overcome the ingrained indoctrination to which we have all been subject throughout our lives. And the lives of our ancestors living or now deceased.

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