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@ 2014-04-11 09:39:00

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Garastāvoklis:pišnah, bulšit

UrbānDikšenērijs nelika vilties:

Postmodernism: pseudo-intellectual Trojan Horse of tyrants everywhere in the western world. Began in Arts faculties in various universities under "thinkers" like Derrida, Baudrillard, Foucault and Irigaray, and spread like a cancer into at least the "soft" sciences, if not further afield.
Works insidiously by establishing in the minds of the faithful that there are no ultimate truths in either a moral or a scientific sense, and dressing up bullshit in flowery language. Postmodernism pretends to be a guarantor of pluralism (a concept far better served, btw, by rational debate), and is in love with concepts such as the "transgressive" and the "paradigm shift". Unfortunately these matters are brought up in the midst of reams and reams of tendentious twaddle which constitute a dreadful waste of perfectly good trees, and the most notable effect of postmodernist (un)thinking is not the freeing of anyone's mind from conservative tyranny, but the scrapping of the very idea of objective truth. Once this happens, of course, what follows (outside the ivory towers of academia) is that the game goes, set and match, to the fellah with the biggest guns. Many conservative factions claimed that September 11 spelled the end of postmodernism. Ohhhh nooo, postmodernist twaddle was only just getting its boots on.

To take an (admittedly anachronistic) example of what is essentially the same thing:

"A new and magical understanding of the world is on the rise, one based on will rather than truth. There is no truth, in either the scientific or the moral sense."

- Adolf Hitler

P. S.
BTW, es ar visu savu cepšanos pārsvarā saskatu mūsu pasaules "orveliskos" motīvus; faktiski, ja starp viņiem pastāvētu kāda sacīkste, drīzāk uzvarējis Hakslijs; bet patiesībā uzvar draudzība, t.i., viņu daudzība, t.i., visu karš pret visiem, naidīgs, aprobežots, augstprātīgs, tukšpaurīgs, sekls, bezjēdzīgs, nepiepildāms un neizsmeļams cilvēcības vakuums jeb, kā mēdzu to - varbūt neprecīzi - saukt: cinisms. Postmodernisms.

Iespējams, ka atbilstošāks būtu apzīmējums "ārprāts".

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