well Or not'so well
Ukrainas valdība tiem iedzīvotājiem, kuri (kuru mobilie telefoni) atradušies pārāk tuvu apkarotāju un iedzīvotāju sadursmes vietām, izsūtījusi aptuveni šādu SMS:
"Augsti godātais abonent, jūs esat reģistrēts kā masu nemieru dalībnieks." Paraksts jeb "From:" lauciņš drošien saka "-- Tava Ukraina :)"
Par to, cik saprotu, pēc tam, kad tiesām pietiks laika p!sties ar papīriem, sēdinās uz 15 gadiem. Gud, gud. Kaut nu pie mums valsts tā rūpētos par kārtību uz ielām!
P. S.
Līdzīgā situācijā varētu ieteikt atmāzēties ar valsts psihopātisko argumentu: es vienkārši izpildīju pavēles! Par sirdsapziņas pavēlēm arī vajadzētu attaisnot.
Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, blamed politicians from the European Union and the United States for encouraging the fighting over the past three days. The situation in the city, he warned, was “getting out of control.”
“It seems someone is interested in this chaos,” Mr. Lavrov said Tuesday at a news conference in Moscow.*
Three cellphone companies in Ukraine — Kyivstar, MTS and Life — denied that they had provided the location data to the government or had sent the text messages, the newspaper Ukrainskaya Pravda reported. Kyivstar suggested that it was instead the work of a “pirate” cellphone tower set up in the area.
Early Tuesday, opposition activists detained about a dozen of these rival young men and marched them to one of several buildings occupied by protesters, where several admitted in videotaped conversations that they had been promised 200 hryvnia, or about $25, to cause trouble. But they were not able to explain clearly who had hired them.
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