Garastāvoklis: | zviedzu =DDD |
Mani nebeidz sajūsmināt komentāros paustais eksistenciālisma izmisums, kaili brēcieni pēc laipnas rokas, kas nelaimē slīkstošā krampjaino roku satvers un paglābs no konrētā telefona modeļa spēlīšu gļukiem, pēdējiem spēkiem klavierē iemocītās lūgsnas pēc pestīšanas no zilā vai baltā ekrāna nāves dziļā vaiga, pusklusas raudas, pus nakti pavadot karstuma, aukstuma viļņu noslīcinātajā pakistānieša pašapziņā un šaubās par ciešanu galu.
"i need know, how am i do to get internet access,because i went through all procedure(configuration through my network operator) required but still cant accessed."
"i cant start my htc legend :;; at first it go on safe mode and after that it not start only the green light will blink contineussly plz help me"
"my hp htc legend had been blocked. please help me. i can't open it. my brother forgot its pattern to unlock it.. what can i do?"
"my wife sent me an htc sense phone. The phone can not recognize the memory card. But other htc phones can recognize my memory card. What do i do?"
"my htc legend had got damage,i need the battery,jacket,case??pls help me"
"hi. i have problem with my legend that some times lower screen buttons (back home menu search) hangs and doesnt help.. need your help and suggestions"
"Guyz i get a htc legend whatz ur opnion in tiz fone...?"
"my htc leagent is cannot move display and no read the sin card please i can use what i can do."
"i am notn able to access with internet tell me how to i can do that" (reāli, rakstīts internetā, LOL)
Vnk nevaru beigt. Nu, bet, labi, davai - es beidzu.