Iksirugumta ([info]po) rakstīja,
@ 2013-07-08 02:54:00

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And I feel like I knew you before
and I guess that you can hear me through this song

and my love will never die
and my feelings will always shine
and my love will never die
and my feelings will always shine

and I know that you just wanted me to belong, to someone
and I guess that now I`ll just be moving on, to someone

and my love will never die
and my feelings will always shine
and my love will never die
and my feelings will always shine

I`ve never betrayed your trust
I`ve never betrayed your faith
I`ll never forsake your heart
I`ll never forget your face
there`s a feeling that I can`t describe
there`s a reason that I cannot hide
`cause I`ve never seen a light that`s so bright
the light that shines behind your eyes

I`ve never betrayed your trust
I`ve never betrayed your faith
I`ll never forsake your heart
I`ll never forget your face

There`s feeling that I can`t describe
a reason that I cannot hide
I`ve never seen a light that`s so bright
the light that shines behind your eyes

I can`t see this life what you mean to me
when I dream, I dreamed of you
when I'll wake, tell me what I do

I had to let you go
to the setting sun
I had to let you go
to find your way back home
I had to let you go
to the setting sun
I had to let you go
to find your way back home

Why I should feel this way - Why I should feel this way
Why I should feel the same

Something I cannot say - Something I cannot say
Something I can't explain

I feel you outside
At the edge of my life

I see you walk by
At the edge of my sight

Why I should follow my heart - Why I should follow my heart
Why I should fall apart

Why I should follow my dreams - Why I should follow my dreams
Why I should be at peace

I feel you outside
At the edge of my life

I see you.. walk by
At the edge of my sight

I had to let you go
To the setting sun

I had to let you go
And find a way back home

I had to let you go
To the setting sun

I had to let you go
And find a way back home

(When I dream, I see you) - (When I dream, I see you)

I've never seen a light that's so bright - I've never seen a light that's so bright - I've never seen a light that's so bright

Blinded by the light that's inside - Blinded by the light that's inside

Blinded by the light that's inside you

I had to let you go
To the setting sun

I had to let you go
And find a way back home

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