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putniem vispār ir tikai viena izeja no ķemeņa - kloāka. Tajā atveras gan urīnceļi, gan gremošanas sistēma, gan dzimumorgānu sistēma.
bet jā, parasti olām nevajadzētu būt nosmērētām ar kakām. "Female birds turns part of the cloaca and the last segment of the oviduct inside out ("like a glove"). The vent is then everted and the egg emerges far outside at the end of the bulge. As a result, the egg does not contact the walls of the cloaca and get contaminated by feces. In addition, the intestine and inner part of the cloaca are kept shut by the emerging egg, and their contents cannot leave when the hen strains to deliver the egg. Therefore, eggs are always clean when laid (van der Molen 2002)."
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