pietura ([info]pietura) rakstīja,
@ 2013-02-11 20:50:00

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Mūzika:David Bowie

"we are gathered here today, sad as fuck, to say good bye, forever...and then we will have cake and coffee at someone’s house. we will follow that up with days, or weeks, or months of mourning, while rummaging through all of their belongings. inevitably, someone who supposedly loved the deceased will go against every dying wish they ever had, somehow justifying it to themselves while at the same time driving a rift between members of the surviving family. and in conclusion, the government will tax everyone involved.
people are born and eventually we die, some of course sooner than later. it’s fucking shitty, but it’s life. so i guess in abbreviated terms: life is fucking shitty…and y’know what? maybe that’s just the thing people need to hear most during these trying times...'i’ve been there. it fucking sucks. and its not gonna stop sucking until it eventually just doesn’t suck that much anymore.'
this is life. there’s no manual. no hallmark card that can make one bit of difference when the going gets shitty. but in my experience, somehow the hard times have a tendency to work out, or at least they just end…in the end.
at least we've had the times we've had. and no one, not even god can take that away from us...but then again, there's always alzheimer's."

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