Petrovichs ([info]petrovichs) rakstīja,
@ 2009-04-26 08:56:00

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2006. gadā Pew Research Center taisīja aptauju, bez kā amerikāņi nevarētu iztikt. Šogad aptauja tika atkārtota un ir jau redzama dinamika.

Separating 'necessity' from 'luxury'
Recession-weary Americans ranked what they say they can't live without. Here's what's changed in percentage points since a 2006 survey. Is this how your personal list looks?
1. Car, 88 percent, -3
2. Clothes dryer, 66 percent, -17
3. Home air conditioning, 54 percent, -16
4. TV set, 52 percent, -12
5. Home computer, 50 percent, -1
6. Cell phone, 49 percent, no change
7. Microwave, 47 percent, -21
8. High-speed Internet, 31 percent, +2
9. Cable or satellite TV, 23 percent, -10
10. Dishwasher, 21 percent, -14
11. Flat-screen TV, 8 percent, +3
12. iPod, 4 percent, +1
Source: "Luxury or Necessity: The Public Makes a

U-Turn," Pew Research Center, April 2009
Interesanti, kā izskatītos rezultāti Latvijā, ja kāds tādu aptauju te veiktu?

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2009-04-26 10:09 (saite)
Jā, būtu pat ļoti interesanti :)
Man no nosauktajām lietām vairums ir pilnīgi garām kā nepieciešamība.

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