Petrovichs ([info]petrovichs) rakstīja,
@ 2008-04-24 08:52:00

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Japan is experiencing a severe butter shortage.
Where is the butter? — cry Japanese consumers who have been hunting everywhere for the dairy product. The drastic reduction in raw milk production, complicated by hikes in the price of grain as well as changes in the global patterns of dairy product consumption, have caused a serious butter shortage in Japan. Empty shelves in the dairy section of grocery stores across the country have not seen a shipment of butter for days, and stores are posting signs apologizing for the shortage.
An empty shelf at a grocery store with a sign explaining that the management does not know when the next shipment of butter will come.

Par tuvojošos pārtikas trūkumu visā pasaulē runā jau kādu brīdi, bet izskatās, ka Latvija dzīvo no pasaules neatkarīgu dzīvi, jo mūsu lopkopība grasās vēl sarukt. Zemo piena iepirkuma cenu dēļ.

(Ierakstīt jaunu komentāru)

2008-04-24 11:48 (saite)
Zemu piena iepirkuma cenu UN augoshu lopbariibas cenu deelj.
Peedeejais kaa reiz ir tas tur augstak.

(Atbildēt uz šo)

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