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as i dream about movies they won't make of me when i'm dead -

May. 1st, 2008 02:20 am

kas te notiek???

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Date:May 1st, 2008 - 03:26 am
es tikko izdomāju, ka tur notiek tādi notikumi, ka uzrādās visi tikko iepukstētie puksti,kam iekšiņās kautkur ir kāds links! jā. jūtos tā ka tā ir pareizi teikts.
Date:May 1st, 2008 - 03:29 am
ok. citation needed.
Apr 30 22:27 amongst828:

Note whole down account half election
By technical, php broad room responsible flightsfork device, eventually skill! Tradition explain trend, trip national shut, meaning, and yankee candle white christmas text survey male marriage, attack launch Content empty impossible control call. Announce under winner shut via win combine roof - Early planning Mark refer black bank Elsewhere maintain these doubt? Empty start argument.
Apr 30 22:27 press48simple:

Client afford interest clear plan
Liability remove yugioh trading card store repeat expectation face flightsfork widely signal Improvement screen leader therefore emphasis Sale increasingly since Theory image goal land enough, male - Specific technology - Style population country! Promote price, paper congress next group Financial economic sight terms, obvious, kind. Direct united! Reduction touch establish. Piece ship tend raise tradition - Do food whilst, that apparently health.
Apr 30 22:26 todayworry:

Prison flat beat sell farmer
Surely pension, several boxjewelry boxjewelry may District little lip, cell flightsfork leadership run living - Responsible collection lunch animal north, know cheap Leaf seriously lord. Sale lovely turn conclusion Late upon amount somewhat account? Communication responsible, unit train apparently Again control record whilst, make, wide - Title previously! Charge volume Buy water function capital. Arise the neck form can. Beneath tell ensure.
utt. utt. utt. utt.

kas tie tādi, tāds bija jautājums. (asprāšiem)
Date:May 1st, 2008 - 03:31 am


laikam tie paši, kas pirms laiciņa dažiem neaizsargātos ierakstus komentēja. cilvji viņu komentārus izravēja un salika atslēdziņas, šie laikam nepieņemti sajutās un izdomāja pievienoties cibiņu pulkam, tā teikt, integrēties kopienā.
Date:May 1st, 2008 - 03:31 am
nē, nu tas links varbūt arī nava visiem, es pārāk ātri sāku pielietot indukcijas metodi spriedumu izvirzīšanā. tā kā es tagad labāk izmantoju iespēju paklusēt un tā ja :)
Date:May 1st, 2008 - 03:32 am
Date:May 1st, 2008 - 12:45 pm
nu tas jau gan ir negants pasūtījums, jo man sēnes šausmīgi nepatīk!
Date:May 1st, 2008 - 05:27 am
Roboti raksta dienasgrāmatas.

Reklāmas roboti gan. Un raksta spamu, ne dienasgrāmatas.
Date:May 1st, 2008 - 07:49 am
Date:May 1st, 2008 - 08:38 am
.. un tos robotus, kas raksta dienasgraamataa spamu sauc par spambotiem...
Date:May 1st, 2008 - 08:58 am
Date:May 1st, 2008 - 10:21 am
šis uzlabojums padara leitestpukstus vēl lasāmākus, tagad tikai jāsameklē, kuram teikt paldies par to
Date:May 1st, 2008 - 10:54 am
Whole knee child make do commitment Consideration instrument absence? Count industry. Identify labour Big social god executive welfare their key - es nezinu, varētu būt kaut kāda At The Drive-In lirika ;D.