pearmon ([info]pearmon) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-29 22:50:00

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Yuki no ningyou(Doll of snow)Music and lyrics
Yuki no ningyou(Doll of snow)Music and lyrics: Kazukitodokanaku natta tegami wo kimi nitodokeru tame ni boku wa hitoriI am waiting aloneto give you the letter you never receivedkimi ni tsuita chiisa na hako noshiroi naka ni nemuru kimi ga itacoming to you within a small boxyou are nestled in the whiteness, sleepingue kara nozoku kimi no kao tohajimete no futari kiri...your face peers down from aboveand it's just us for the first time...kimi ni fureta tsumetaku kirei na ningyouhoho wo naderu kore ga kimi na no ka...kimi wo mireba sore wa kirei na ningyounaze darou kanashimi wa kieru...touching you a cold, beautiful dollI stroke your cheek is it really you...?when I look at you a beautiful dollfor some reason my sadness fades away...kimi no tonari ni okareta boku no eikakaete nemuru kimi wo mite...that picture of me, by your sideI look at you, sleeping in my arms...amari ni ippouteki na ai no katachiboku wa kimi ni nani wo kaesetarou...kou naru made kizukenakatta orokasakimi wa kimi boku wa nan darou...this sort of one-sided lovehow should I respond to it...?I've been so blind and not even noticed ityou are you what am I...?kimi ga aishite kureta boku no subetekawaranu you ni kimi to ikiru karafor you, who loved everything about meI will not change because I'll be with youame ni utare futari fuyu no kaerimichiboku no naka ni kimi wa I'm soaked by the rain returning from our winter togetheryou are drifting down within my heart...dedicated to YukikoI've also uploaded an mp3 of the vocal version, done for a tribute single last year, here.

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