10 July 2005 @ 02:20 pm
sasmējos ne pa jokam  


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I want norka and I want it now.
Enjoy norka.
norka makes me hot.
Ooh la la, norka.
All you need is norka.
norka online.

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x-ƒ[info]x_f on July 10th, 2005 - 02:35 pm
Īsti nezinu, bet pamatīgi parāva.
norka for president.
norka is better than chocolate.
Let's talk about norka.
Where the hell is norka?
norka - what more could you want?
Free norka.
Stay cool with norka.
Jesus loves norka.
The power of norka.
Simply norka.
norka is forever.
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jauna un kaislīga: amelie[info]nrk on July 10th, 2005 - 02:37 pm
mani jau arī..

"Do it with x_f!"
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x-ƒ[info]x_f on July 10th, 2005 - 02:39 pm
Once norka, always norka.
Khem.. "x-f"! :)
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jauna un kaislīga: amelie[info]nrk on July 10th, 2005 - 02:41 pm
"The original x-f."
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