09 October 2015 @ 12:54 pm
Velna* nāve  
Man bail, ka tikai dažu nedēļu laikā es esmu kļuvusi atkarīga no kafijas. Peldēt pa straumei vai cīnīties?

UPD Laikam palikšu pie/ atdošos citām atkarībām. Cauri ir ar kafiju katru dienu, trīsreiz dienā

*Lai neteiktu "melna"
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watt[info]watt on October 9th, 2015 - 01:21 pm
cīnīties. kofeīns nav nekas vairāk kā adenosine receptoru bloķētājs.

" In the book, he ultimately likens caffeine's powers to "putting a block of wood under one of the brain's primary brake pedals."

It's an apt metaphor, because it spells out that caffeine very clearly doesn't press the "gas" on your brain, and that it only blocks a "primary" brake."

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